ZOK s.r.o. - Metalworking - ZOK7

Fast delivery

Most of the products in our e-shop are in stock

Possibility of returning goods

We guarantee the quality of our products and the possibility of returning money if you are not satisfied

Service and spare parts

For our products, we also offer service and spare parts including older models

Fast and secure payment

The possibility of payment via the payment gateway soon


ZOK s.r.o.

Our company has been engaged in metalworking for more than 25 years. In our offer, you can find serial and custom production:

  • wire program
  • production of decorative forged gates and fences
  • production of atypical parts for agricultural machines
  • production of machines for the food industry
  • metal program ZOK7 (consoles, holders, handles, etc.)


zok chtelnica

E-shop categories

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Can sealing machines

How to use our machines - easy handling

Custom production


& fences

We will make it according to your ideas